Rolled Saddle of Lamb


A fabulous roasting joint for a special occasion. The saddle is a lean and tender cut and is a quick roast which is best served a little pink.

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How To Cook

  • Preheat oven to 230°C/Fan 210°C /Gas 8. Remove from packaging, pat dry with kitchen paper.
  • Allow the meat to come to room temperature for 20 minutes. Brush the meat with a little oil, first sear in a hot pan on all sides for 6-8 minutes in total.
  • Then place your meat uncovered on a rack in a roasting tin. Season with salt and pepper, place into the preheated oven and cook for:
  • Medium: 15 minutes | Well Done: 18-20 minutes
  • Cover with foil and rest in a warm place for at least 10 minutes

How We Rear Our Grass Fed Lamb

The system that we use for our Grass Fed lamb is about as natural as it gets. Our lambs are grass fed and grass finished, eating pasture and forage for their entire lives. The key to the best lamb is slow, natural growth to maturity and eating a natural diet.